There have been some changes here:

The Ceiling has decided to not take orders at this website any more, as it is much easier to process payments and postage from other third parties. The releases from The Sand Rays and The Infant Cycle (and related) can be bought at the respective Bandcamp sites.

Much of the catalogue is available from the Discogs account, though only for the US and Canada (for now).

The Ceiling at Discogs

Almost all of it is available from the Ebay account (this is also the best bet for listeners outside North America)

While it is a shame that the old era of web 1.0 has passed, it is understandable that people will distrust mom and pop websites when there are scam sites around every corner. Canada Post has changed a great deal, and has become more complex, not allowing us to use the old standardized can/us/world rates.
We don't want to spend more time checking every country's changing postal rates than pursuing the narcotic drone.

If you still want to order direct from the source, we can do that.

The Ceiling sometimes seems not social enough to media, but we try:

and old fashioned email:

Any good electronics repair people in the Kingston Ontario area who may want to trade for music from the catalogue?

If wanting to demo music: The Ceiling/CEIL only releases music from The Sand Rays / The Infant Cycle. Time and money are strained already, so please look elsewhere- sorry.

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